Please support us. DONATE NOW
Upland CERT has been in existence since 2011 and serves under the auspices of the Upland Police Department. While supported with the use of facilities and training, Upland CERT has not received any funding from either the City or the Police Department. The funds have come from donations from members, fundraisers, grants, and members' employer matching programs. In order to sustain this important work, additional funds for training equipment, emergency supplies and promotional materials are needed. To date, Upland CERT has trained over 500 citizens to help care for themselves in time of need. Thousands of volunteer hours are provided to support the City, the Police Department and County Fire each year. Can you please help continue this vital work?
Donations can be made through the Upland Community Foundation, marked for Upland CERT and mailed to:
Upland Community Foundation
Upland CERT
Attention: Diana Vasquez
1499 13th Street
Upland, CA 91786
The Upland Community Foundation is a 501-c-3 organization and cash and in-kind donations may be tax deductible.